Monday, March 28, 2016

Crazy Conservative Chick picks a College??

College- "the place where you enter in-exorbitant amounts of debt to "learn" things you will never apply once to your actual occupation. Basically, an expensive 4-year waiting period for a paper called "degree"."
When you are the most indecisive person in the world, picking a place where you will be dumping 40k a year is an extremely hard decision to make. With no money, no braininess abilities, no athletic skills or a body to sell for money, it will be interesting to see how I will come up with dollar amounts with way too many zeros to count at the end. 
I am stuck between picking the school of my dreams-and having to sell my soul to be able to attend there; or going to a school that is much cheaper and forget about your beloved dreams. At 18 years old, I am unsure who thought it was logical to make teenagers decide what the rest of their lives should be like while still having to ask if we can relieve ourselves. 
So basically, I've thought of my indecisiveness longer than I've thought of the actual decision I am going to make.
This crazy conservative chick has some decision making to do.
Stay tuned.